Whether it’s about striving for peak performance, preventing injury or just loving sport, Praaktis lets sports people and fans record their routines anywhere, anytime and compare it against the world’s best.

With just a smartphone (no cumbersome wires or trackers needed) they can reach their full potential with Praaktis motion capture feedback.

Experience Praaktis






Get Real-Time Scores and Analysis


Compare against Experts



Praaktis patented software drives app-based products which can:

feature specific sports routines by an ‘exemplar’ (sporting hero)
provide scores showing how fans and players perform against the exemplar
identify areas where fans and players can improve.

From schoolyard fans to fulltime professionals; weekend players to dedicated coaches; sporting bodies can now build a complete picture of their sport’s community: from grassroots to winners’ podium.

What makes the tech great?

Praaktis’s patented software provides real-time motion capture and targeted feedback without the use of traditional motion capture wires or spot markers. Detailed measurements can be tailored to specific sporting routines as demonstrated by the best players in their field.
Fans and players capture their own performance of the routines and Praaktis software offers real-time scores and analysis. Scores can be tailored to encourage technique improvement; injury avoidance; and most important, competitive comparison against other users, stimulating repetition and consistent regular engagement.
Traditional motion capture has been used by many sporting bodies for years, but by providing scores and data via an app, Praaktis software opens up motion capture to mass market and fans, enables expert analysis at scale, and dramatically reduces core costs.

Ease of use

no wires, spot markers, studios or lab protocols – just a smartphone or tablet



anyone, anywhere



it’s cheap to deliver and use


Real time motion analysis

comparative performance, allowing measurement of improvement, injury prevention and recovery

How to use it

A case study on the tennis court

First a video is created of a star player completing a routine such as a serve or backhand to their highest standard. This is then the exemplar. These routines are then integrated into an easy to use app for smartphone or tablet.
A tennis player is then filmed undertaking the same routine using their smartphone or tablet. Praaktis software provides an immediate score showing how well that player (and others) are performing compared with the exemplar. In addition, detailed data of the player’s actual movement shows exactly where the player fails to match the exemplar and where improvements should be made.

A business proposition for sporting bodies

As a sporting body you may be looking for opportunities to:

Develop new revenue streams

Increase fan engagement

Identify emerging talent

Get coaches operating with more scale

Generate detailed data to help elite professionals improve performance and reduce injury.

If so, Praaktis can license you our technology and help you design and build an application (or integrate our technology into an existing app or website) that best suits your needs and budget.

By allowing anonymous data sharing, you can engage with your fan base anywhere; measure improvements in grassroots technique and safety as well as simple participation; and ensure star performers get it right each time.

New revenue streams can be driven from app downloads and the purchase of sporting stars’, sponsors’ or sporting body merchandise.

If you are interested contact us at: info@praaktis.com

Meet the team

We’re an enthusiastic team addicted to sport who are building software products to help others get the most out of their sporting lives and communities.

We know sporting success doesn’t come easy. It takes sheer grit and determination. But with Praaktis, we make achieving those incremental improvements just a little bit easier (as well as having some fun on the way).

Robert Kay

Chairman and Co-founder

Robert is a serial entrepreneur who has been involved in middle and front office businesses (sales, marketing, client support, operations, and technology) in institutional finance for over 30 years and has developed and successfully exited a series of businesses (including software and publishing). Robert has a MA in Mathematics from Oxford University.

Simon Leech


Simon has a passion for putting software ideas into practice. Starting has career in software in Accenture and moving onto Microsoft he gain a lot of the background to becoming CEO of 3 software companies over the last 9 years. He is a keen follower of rugby and avid skier.

Paul Scott


Paul is technologist and entrepreneur who likes building solutions. Paul has over 20 years of experience in the tech and financial technology sectors where he was also CEO of a successful team which started, grew and exited. Paul is a fitness fanatic spending most free time either cycling or running.

Paul Rosson

Head of Core Technology

Paul has several years’ experience both within the games industry and conducting research into gesture recognition algorithms. He is proficient in developing both client-facing and back-end solutions, has developed three patents and has a Masters in Computer Science from University of Westminster. Paul’s ‘gaming’ is relegated to the digital kind but enjoys armchair sports, particularly football.